Save on your stay while visiting Elk Springs Resort.
Looking for a cabin that’s available today or perhaps for this weekend? See what’s available for check in today or for check in this weekend. Sometimes you can find a luxury cabin at a value price.
Firefighters, Law Enforcement, Teachers, Military, Nurses, Doctors save 10% on your stay. We thank you for your service and are pleased to offer you a Hometown Heroes Discount.
In appreciation for your service we offer a 10% discount for military, law enforcement, firefighter’s and EMT’s. Thank you for your service!
We can’t think of a job that is much more important than being a teacher. And as such we’re pleased to offer a 10% teachers discount to K through High School teachers and educators. Do you work at an Elementary, Middle School or High School as a Teacher, Educator or Support Staff? If so then you qualify!
Sometimes the appreciation for Nurses gets lost in the complicated maze of health care. Not here! At Elk Springs Resort we appreciate your sometimes under appreciated service and are pleased to offer you a 10% Nurses discount.
Our premium cabin specials are available all year and every year since our property opened and offers guests the 6th night free when renting a cabin for 5 or more nights. This can be combined with our other cabin specials and deals; repeat visitor, AARP and Service Member discounts. This special offer is only available at the time of the initial booking and can not be added later. Please read below to see if you qualify for our other Specials & Deals.
As a repeat visitor you get 10% off on your future stay. We appreciate your business and look forward to rewarding you for your future stay. Thank You!
We are pleased to offer AARP members and Seniors a 10% discount. Use coupon code AARP2017 when booking online to receive your discount and don’t forget to leave your AARP ID number in the reservation notes. For more information see the AARP and Senior Special details.